A 4 W E E K I N T R O T O Y O G A C O U R S E

- for absolute beginners

Move your body on a yoga mat with ease and confidence in 28 days.


Learn to move your body on a yoga mat with ease and confidence in just 28 days.

Be inspired.

Be transformed.

Be yourself.


Well done you! Taking a proactive approach to your health is nothing knew for you. You know well that health is more than just the absence of disease.

It's about all of your self care practises and really living your best self.

You can't imagine your life without movement & exercise. It's been such huge part of your wellness journey.

You like to stay strong and mobile and value an active lifestyle, but frankly life has gotten in the way of your good intentions and you've found yourself really missing that good feeling of being really in tune with your body.


Well done you! Taking a proactive approach to your health is nothing knew for you. You know well that health is more than just the absence of disease.

It's about all of your self care practises and really living your best self.

You can't imagine your life without movement & exercise. It's been such huge part of your wellness journey.

You like to stay strong and mobile and value an active lifestyle, but frankly life has gotten in the way of your good intentions and you've found yourself really missing that good feeling of being really in tune with your body.



At TriBalance we know well that being a new student can be physically, mentally and socially awkward. Everyone comes to the mat with a different set of body hang ups, past injuries and perceived limitations.

That’s why we are extra sensitive to the each person’s needs and provide an inclusive environment with modifications and progressions of key poses.

Just like the practise itself, our friendly yoga teachers will meet you where you're at, without judgement and plenty of loving kindness.

The course assumes no prior knowledge or experience of yoga. Through the power of consistency and repetition, within just 4 weeks this course takes you from complete newbie to moving confidently through a complete flow of poses synchronised with breath.

It’s the first of its kind that is for absolute beginners.

Your search for how to learn yoga without the body hangups and '2 left feet syndrome' is over....


YOGA FOR ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS is a 4 week hybrid in person & online course that teaches the foundations of yoga in a nurturing and supportive space, with the added convenience of online learning.

Yoga Actvity Healthy Leisure Meditating Relax Concept

Transform your movement potential both on and off the yoga mat.

Feel strong and confident in your movement again.

Stay inspired and consistent in your yoga practise and your wellness routine.

Your search for how to learn yoga without the body hangups and '2 left feet syndrome' is over....


YOGA FOR ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS is a 4 week hybrid in person & online course that teaches the foundations of yoga in a nurturing and supportive space, with the added convenience of online learning.

Yoga Actvity Healthy Leisure Meditating Relax Concept

Transform your movement potential both on and off the mat.

Feel strong and confident in your movement again.

Stay inspired and consistent in your yoga practise and your wellness routine.


Busy Bees

You're a busy fast paced go getter and your schedue is full to the brim. You don't have time for fluff or anything extra that could to lead to overwhelm. You know you need self care practises like yoga in your life and value the convenience of online learning that you can do at your own pace and at times that you can easily squeeze in to your week.

Yogis With Tight Hamstrings

You've been curious about yoga for some time, but have always felt your super tight hamstrings meant you wouldn't be able to do the poses. You know deep down it's what you need to balance out your posture and movement, but really need a class that caters to your body without feeling self conscious.

Wellness Enthusiasts

You've got your finger on the pulse of all things wellness and yoga has been on your list of to do's for some time. You value a proactive approach to your health and like to learn about your body and how to make it well.

Stress Junkies

You're a high stress and sometimes intense individual. You often suffer with anxiety and find it hard to unwind at the end of the day. Your sleep in often disturbed and you've always wondered if yoga could help, but have never gotten around to trying it out. You feel called now more than ever to give it a go and really overcome your addiction to stress.

Keep reading if you...

  • Love feeling strong & flexible in your body and mind.
  • Believe movement is medicine and is the greatest healer.
  • Want to feel more stable in your energy levels and emotions.
  • Want to know how to modify yoga poses to make them more beginner friendly.
  • Know the importance of full range movement for reducing tension, maintaining healthy joints and balanced posture.
  • Value experienced and highly trained instructors with extensive knowledge about the body and human movement.
  • Know you have the power to transform your movement potential with the right guidance.
  • Enjoy learning about your body and how to make it strong and healthy.
  • Appreciate opportunities to practise mindfulness and regulate your nervous system to better manage stress.
  • Feel inspired to achieve your wellness goals so you can feel more enjoyment in your life.
  • Lead a busy life and appreciate a variety of class times and well structured, bite sized lessons you can easily fit into your week.

Access all online modules from desktop, mobile phone or tablet.

5x In person studio classes per week to choose from.

Access all online modules from desktop, mobile phone or tablet.

5x In person studio classes per week to choose from.

Your yoga practise doesn't have to be awkward or uncomfortable. Surround yourself with like minded beginners, all following their impulse to be well!


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* You save $9

I can't wait to share my favourite beginner yoga hacks I've learned over the years with you!

Release your fear of losing your mobility and strength as you age and let the power of yoga transform your body and movement.

Empower yourself with the skills and knowledge to move with ease and confidence on the mat.

I can't wait to share my favourite beginner yoga hacks I've learned over the years with you!

Release your fear of losing your mobility and strength as you age and let the power of yoga transform your body and movement.

Empower yourself with the skills and knowledge to move with ease and confidence on the mat.


Your Wellness Matters!

Now is the time to practise self care and really prioritise your own well being. The world needs yoga more than ever right now and it starts with you keeping your self well and thriving.


Week 1

Foundations: Develop a framework for movement that will support your yoga practise progressing more quickly.

  • You'll learn elements of breath, flow and technique separately initially. Reducing the feeling of overwhelm that's so common for new students.
  • Ujaii breath technique. Learning this breath practise properly from the beginning is a game changer and will leave you feeling, calm, balanced and energised.
  • Foundation for sun salutations. You'll learn the component parts of sun salutations, broken down first, so you can experience the meditative effect of moving in concert with your breath.
  • Start to build the necessary strength in the shoulders right from day one, to one day go after more challenging arm balance poses.
  • 60 minute class in studio or live stream from home.

Week 2

Alignment: The most important aspects of technique to focus on as a beginner.

  • 3 Styles of lunges in sun salutations. Demystifying the different types of lunges so you can move through sun salutations with more ease and flow and feel the immediate balancing effect on your mind and nervous system.
  • Backbends in sun salutes. Reversing some of the effects of prolonged sitting at your computer and building a beautiful and more balanced posture.
  • Mindful & purposeful transitioning. Learning to move between poses mindfully, to keep the mind focused and energy stable.
  • 60 min class in studio or live stream from home

Week 3

Integration: Experience how the elements of breath, flow and technique come together.

  • Step forward from downward dog to lunge. We unpack this often troublesome transition for new students, and adapt it to work for your individual body type, allowing for progression over time without disrupting your flow.
  • Standing poses: By grouping together standing poses with similar joint and muscular actions you'll learn and progress more quickly.
  • 2 Layers of awareness: microscopic awareness & panoramic awareness. You'll Learn to focus on distributing your attention and effort throughout the entire posture. A skill which helps you to gain perspective on your thoughts and decrease stress levels.
  • 60 min class in studio or live stream from home.

Week 4

Complete Flow: Combine your new skills into a full 60 min practise!

  • Chaturanga (low plank) & Upward facing dog. Technique and action to build strength & skill in the shoulders.
  • Maintaining breath continuity throughout the entire class. Helping to stabilise your energy levels and feel more centred.
  • Power, precision & mindfulness: By week 4, these 3 elements come together to build a balanced and satisfying practise in body & mind.
  • Yoga philosophy. Applying some of the core teachings of discipline, self compassion and contentment to your experience on the mat.
  • Strengthening your mindfulness muscle. Working to focus your attention on your breath and the sensations within your body, you'll start to experience more satisfaction, balance and ease in your life off the mat.
  • 60 min class in studio or live stream from home.

There are 5 classes scheduled each week to choose from. See schedule below.

You're invited to attend just 1 or as many classes on the course timetable below that suits your schedule each week.

Course Start Date: 22 August 2022

Location: 20 Cowper Street, Gordon Park

Course Instructors

Cathy Aganoff

TriBalance founder

read bio

Mel Liao

Yoga + Pilates Teacher

read bio

Gina Neville

Yoga + Pilates Teacher

read bio

Mona Hilario

Yoga Teacher

read bio

"This Program

Is life changing! I basically tagged along with my wife because I always had a feeling yoga would be really good for me. I picked TriBalance because I liked the idea of of an intro course that would allow me to see if it was for me. I always felt welcomed and the instructors are really encouraging. I got so much out of the course, it made me realise that yoga was available for blokes like me and I got the confidence to start attending the other classes. Yoga has genuinely changed me life, I’m stronger and more flexible and much more in tune with my body and the world around me.

Paul Sherman, Yoga Student I TriBalance

IT GETS better

Enroll now to receive these amazing bonuses.

Meditation Audio Recordings

Value $29

  • Deep Listening body scan (20 mins)
  • Letting Go - Aparigraha (7 mins)

Beginner Pose Modification Guidebook pdf

Value $49

A 25 page pose modification for beginners guidebook as a mat-side companion you can refer to throughout any class.

Lesson Library Vault

Value $147

Twelve mini lessons covering the main teaching objectives in the course broken down into bite size 5-20 minute videos.


Four 60 min pre recorded classes. One for each week of the course covering the teaching points and content for that week.

Value $49

Twenty in person classes. Five class times scheduled each week with the option of attending just 1 or all 5 each week.

Value $500

Twenty live stream zoom classes as an alternative to attending in person.

Four pdf downloads of each weeks class sequence. Each one visually lays out the sequence fof poses for that week.

Value $29

A 25 page pose modification for beginners guidebook as a mat-side companion you can refer to throughout any class.

Value $49

Three meditation audio recordings to practise mindfulness and help cultivate a mind-body connection.

Value $29

The basics of yoga philosophy including ahimsa (do no harm) santosha (contentment). and self love & compassion. Self love & compassion and the notion of an unconditional acceptance of the body underpins all other teachings.

Twelve mini lessons covering the main teaching objectives in the course broken down into bite size 5-20 minute videos.

Value $147

Two beginner level yogic breathing techniques (pranayama), that help to regulate the nervous system and build resilience to stress.

Total Value $800



I'm confident this course will empower you with the knowledge and skills to be able to successfully move through a complete yoga class with confidence. If you do the work and participate fully, you'll have the skills to complete the classes in this course as well our regular studio classes.

If after completing the first 2 weeks of the course you're not 100% satisfied with the content and how it will support your desired outcomes, I will gladly refund your investment.

About Cathy Aganoff (Course Creator)

I strongly believe that movement is medicine and in my 15+ years as a physio, I've not found a more effective movement practise than yoga at optimising movement and regulating the nervous system. It's really a complete practise for health & wellbeing that includes all aspects of health, physical, mental and emotional. After experiencing first hand the power of yoga to heal and transform on all levels, I knew early on that I couldn't continue to work in a traditional physio clinic. In 2015 I started my own yoga & wellness studio TriBalance.

"This Program

Is so much more than I expected! I signed up to the beginner course in October 2020 to improve my flexibility and I wanted to support a local small business during covid. I got so much out of doing this course, not just for my physical health but my mental health too. Since doing the course I feel more flexible and balanced in my posture and generally more calm. I am committed to adding yoga to my exercise regime at least 1 or 2 times a week.

Christina Carras, Yoga Student I TriBalance


Once you purchase, you'll have access to all of the lesson videos for 3 months. You'll be able to download the pdf programs and guides to keep forever.

Absolutely, yes. When most people start they can't touch their toes. Over the duration of the course you'll likely notice some improvement in your hamstring flexibility, however with consistent practise over time you'll see more significant improvements in flexibility.

Core strengthening is a big part of the physical practise of yoga and is one of the focal points of the course. You'll not only work to strengthen your abdominals but also the muscles that support good posture like the glutes and back muscles.

Once you process your order, please wait up to 30 mins to receive an email from me welcoming you to the course and a separate email from thinkific containing your course login information. If you still haven't received these 2 emails please reach out at contact@cathyaganoff.com.au

If after completing the first 2 weeks of the course you're not 100% satisfied with the content and how it will support your desired outcomes, I will gladly refund your investment.

The minimum recommended engagement is to attend 1x 60 min class each week, either in studio or on the live stream. You'll have access to all of the pre recorded classes and video lessons for 3 months, so you can chip away at these when you have more time.

An answer to this is actually found in the yoga sutras, the sacred yogic texts, which tell us that no yogic effort is ever wasted. It's always worth it and the benefits are cumulative. It's really consistency over time that creates the transformation in body, mind and heart that is so often touted.

Yes, we know how busy life gets and we've created the course structure to really set you up for success. That's why we've scheduled 4 different time slots for the core curriculum and one bonus deep stretch class on Fridays at 5pm. You can choose the class time that suits you one week and choose a different time the next week ti suit your schedule. You can also choose to attend more than 1 class each week to really deepen your learning. You'll also be able to use our convenient TriBalance app to manage your class bookings.

At TriBalance we subscribe to the belief that yoga is for EVERYBODY. Each person comes to the mat with a different history, level of experience and body composition. It's not about adapting your body into a pose, but rather adapting the pose to meet your beautifully unique body. Our instructors will show you how to adapt the poses to meet you where you're at.

It's recommended that you have a yoga mat, 2 yoga blocks, 1 blanket and 1 yoga strap. Refer to your kickstarter guide for options and where to get props. If you only intend to do classes in the studio and no home practise then you do not need any props as the studio supplies all props..



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* You save $9